I was the very fortunate recipient of some beautiful hand made cards and treats this Christmas, very humbling that friends chose to invest their time in something for me, I really appreciate each and every one of them (my Cherub also appreciates them as that’s who generally consumes the contents!).
Below is a round up of the treats I received, I feel bad however as during the melee that surrounds some events that I was at – I completely forgot who gave me a couple of these items – if they were from you – please let me know so I can credit that.
- Santa Fry Box with yummy pretzel treats were part of my Kris Kringle present
- From Tracy
- From Charmaine – made using the Curvy Keepsake box
- I’m having a mental blank – if this is your please let me know as it’s super cute!
- Yummy chocolate from Sue
- Another mental blank – someone in my team made these
- Gorgeous mini treat bag from Tracy
- From Yvette
- From Lynn
- Sour cream container is fro Sue
- I taught this last year using the envelope punch board & someone remembered and made me one this year!
I will share the handmade Christmas cards in another post soon.